I Touch Beauty Daily

I Touch Beauty Daily

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dining Yoga

Yoga discovered my soul’s yearn
Desire to work up thinness’ stability
Desire to maintain
Break no sweat
Graceful posture meditates for me
Reaching enlightenment’s path
Reach my being’s solid
Foundation’s firm footing
Acceptance is a weight-losers difficulty
Strive to reach loss’ no-loss pinnacle
Splurging on heavy lunches
Piling calorie no-count breakfast
Someone has to pay for liberty
Living well comes with a price
Sacrifice required as late-night abstinence
I dined on Hatha Yoga

--My dream has loved paper so much for so long because it gave influence to the parched voice of a fashionista poet. Finding this outlet, that voice is now replete with expressive sound.

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